Answering the Question, "Is Santa Real?"

Answering the Question, "Is Santa Real?"

If your a parent and you've done any amount of time on Pinterest searching for kid-friendly holiday activities, you've likely run across "The Santa Letter." It was a beautifully written exchange between mother and daughter first posted in 2010 on author Martha Brockenbrough's blog. The letter quickly went viral and it's probable you've seen the original or a variation of it. 

This year my kindergartener has started to ask a lot of very practical questions about Santa such as "How can Santa get everywhere in the world in one night?" and "Why does Santa bring more gifts to some kids than other kids?" I've tried to answer as best I can while trying to balance keeping the magic of Christmas for a child alive and feeling guilty about downright lying to my kid. Years ago when my daughter was a baby, I ran across Martha's Santa letter as well as this idea for graduating a child from receiving gifts from Santa to becoming a Santa themselves. I saved them in a file I call "Parenting Resources" and when the time is right, perhaps next year or possibly the following year, I figured I'll read them again and decide how to best proceed with my daughter.

But then last month I saw that Martha's viral blog post had been made into a book and I had to get my hands on it to see if this could be part of my plan for revealing Santa when the time is right.

Love Santa.jpg

The book is beautifully illustrated by Lee White and features pull out letters that Lucy writes to Santa and his responses back over the years.

Love Santa Letters.jpg

At the end of the story, Lucy writes a letter to her Mom asking if she is Santa and Martha's original letter is printed in the book as a response over several pages. 


Because the book reveals that Santa isn't any one man as the myth has led children to believe, I won't be sharing this book with my daughter this year. But I'm definitely keeping it in mind as a wonderful way to tell the truth while still keeping the magic of the season alive once she is ready. If you're looking for a way to break the news to your child about Santa, I definitely recommend this book as a conversation starter!


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